◾ M.S. / Ph. D. in Electrical & Computer Engineering, Seoul National University (2014–2020)
◾ B.S. in Electrical & Computer Engineering and in Mathematical Sciences, Seoul National University (2009–2014)
◾ Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical and Information Engineering, SEOULTECH (2022.09 - )
◾ Postdoctoral Researcher, Division of Decision and Control System, KTH Royal Institute of Technology (2021-2022)
◾ Postdoctoral Researcher, Automation and Systems Research Institute (ASRI), Seoul National University (2020-2021)
Research Areas
◾ Control systems and security
◾ Application of homomorphic encryption to control systems
Journal Papers
◾ Encrypted Dynamic Control Exploiting Limited Number of Multiplications and a Method Using RLWE-based Cryptosystem, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics: Systems, vol.55 No.1 pp.158~169, 2024김준수
◾ Complexity Reduction for Resilient State Estimation of Uniformly Observable Nonlinear Systems, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2024김준수
◾ Further Methods for Encrypted Linear Dynamic Controllers Utilizing Re-Encryption, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2024김준수
◾ Distributed resilient observer: Blended dynamics theory meets l1-minimization approach, IEEE Control Systems Letters, 2023김준수
◾ Dynamic Controller That Operates Over Homomorphically Encrypted Data for Infinite Time Horizon, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol.68 No.2 pp.660~672, 2023김준수
◾ Model-free undetectable attacks on linear systems using LWE-based encryption, IEEE Control Systems Letters, 2023김준수
◾ Introduction to encrypted control approaches and comparison, 전기의세계, vol.제72권 No.제1호 pp.19~23, 2023김준수
◾ Comparison of encrypted control approaches and tutorial on dynamic systems using Learning With Errors-based homomorphic encryption, Annual Reviews in Control, vol.54 pp.200~218, 2022김준수
Conference Papers
◾ Seungbeom Lee, Dongwoo Kim, Heewon Chung, Junsoo Kim, and Hyungbo Shim, Authentication of multi-agent system with verifiable computation and distributed aggregation, IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Italy, 2025김준수
◾ Anne van der Horst, Michelle S. Chong, Junsoo Kim, Henrik Sandberg, Resilient Nonlinear State Estimation Using the Median Operation for a Network of Droop-Controlled Power Inverters, European Control Conference, Stockholm, 2024김준수
◾ Nils Schlüter, Junsoo Kim, Moritz Schulze Darup, A Code-Driven Tutorial on Encrypted Control: From Pioneering Realizations to Modern Implementations, European Control Conference, Stockholm, 2024김준수
◾ Joowon Lee, Donggil Lee, Seungbeom Lee, Junsoo Kim, and Hyungbo Shim, Conversion of controllers to have integer state matrix for encrypted control without re-encryption and approximation, IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Marina Bay Sands, Singapore, 2023김준수
◾ Junsoo Kim, Simultaneous conversion of state and output matrix for encrypted control, International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems, Yeosu, Korea, 2023김준수
◾ Junsoo Kim, Moritz Schulze Darup, Henrik Sandberg, Karl H. Johansson, Asymptotic stabilization over encrypted data with limited controller capacity and time-varying quantizer, IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 멕시코, 2022김준수
◾ Nils Schluter, Philipp Binfet, Junsoo Kim, and Moritz Schulze Darup, Encrypted distributed state estimation via affine averaging, IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 멕시코, 2022김준수