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  • 1 - 02428
    • Kyungchun Lee
    • Major : Wireless Communication, Signal Processing
    • Tel : +82-2-970-6405
    • E-mail : kclee@seoultech.ac.kr
    • profile homepage
  • 2 - 02469
    • Jae-Young Chung
    • Major : Electromagnetics, Antenna design
    • Tel : +82-2-970-6445
    • E-mail : jychung@seoultech.ac.kr
    • profile homepage
  • 3 - 02231
    • Sewan Choi
    • Major : Power Electronics
    • Tel : +82-2-970-6542
    • E-mail : schoi@seoultech.ac.kr
    • profile homepage
  • 4 - 02272
    • Young Il Lee
    • Major : Digital Control and Embedded System
    • Tel : +82-2-970-6544
    • E-mail : yilee@seoultech.ac.kr
    • profile homepage
  • 5 - 02282
    • Myoung-Ho Shin
    • Major : Electric Machinery
    • Tel : +82-2-970-6408
    • E-mail : mhshin@seoultech.ac.kr
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  • 6 - 02283
    • Kyeong-Hwa Kim
    • Major : Power Electronics
    • Tel : +82-2-970-6406
    • E-mail : k2h1@seoultech.ac.kr
    • profile
  • 7 - 02285
    • Heeyoung Lee
    • Major : Digital Signal Processing, Machine Vision, Human-Robot Interaction
    • Tel : +82-2-970-6545
    • E-mail : leehy@seoultech.ac.kr
    • profile homepage
  • 8 - 02314
    • Heejune Ahn
    • Major : Computer vision, Computer Graphics, AI
    • Tel : +82-2-970-6543
    • E-mail : heejune@seoultech.ac.kr
    • profile homepage laboratory
  • 9 - 02324
    • Byoung-Wook Choi
    • Major : Embedded Systems
    • Tel : +82-2-970-6412
    • E-mail : bwchoi@seoultech.ac.kr
    • profile homepage
  • 10 - 02341
    • Taehyun Jeon
    • Major : Communications Systems
    • Tel : +82-2-970-6409
    • E-mail : thjeon@seoultech.ac.kr
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  • 11 - 02357
    • Jung Rae Ryoo
    • Major : Precision Motion Control
    • Tel : +82-2-970-6546
    • E-mail : jrryoo@seoultech.ac.kr
    • profile
  • 12 - 02365
    • Sooyeong Yi
    • Major : Intelligent Robotics
    • Tel : +82-2-970-6407
    • E-mail : suylee@seoultech.ac.kr
    • profile
  • 13 - 02379
    • Joong Kyun Kim
    • Major : Plasma Engineering
    • Tel : +82-2-970-6404
    • E-mail : jkimm@seoultech.ac.kr
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  • 14 - 02387
    • Song, Hwachang
    • Major : Power Engineering
    • Tel : +82-2-970-6403
    • E-mail : hcsong@seoultech.ac.kr
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  • 15 - 02401
    • Jung-Su Kim
    • Major : optimization based control, intelligent robotics
    • Tel : +82-2-970-6547
    • E-mail : jungsu@seoultech.ac.kr
    • profile homepage
  • 16 - 02459
    • Ji-Hoon Yun
    • Major : Wireless networking
    • Tel : +82-2-970-6455
    • E-mail : jhyun@seoultech.ac.kr
    • profile homepage
  • 17 - 02458
    • Hyouk-Kyu Cha
    • Major : Integrated Circuits Design
    • Tel : +82-2-970-6447
    • E-mail : hkcha@seoultech.ac.kr
    • profile homepage
  • 18 - 02539
    • Yeejin Lee
    • Major : Computer Vision, Machine Learning
    • Tel : +82-2-970-6443
    • E-mail : yeejinlee@seoultech.ac.kr
    • profile laboratory
  • 19 - 02544
    • Hyun Kim
    • Major : Digital Systems Design, Computer Architecture, Deep Neural Network
    • Tel : +82-2-970-6410
    • E-mail : hyunkim@seoultech.ac.kr
    • profile homepage
  • 20 - 02605
    • Dohoon Kwon
    • Major : Power system
    • Tel : +82-2-970-6365
    • E-mail : dohoonkwon@seoultech.ac.kr
    • profile
  • 21 - 02613
    • Changhui Han
    • Major : Software
    • Tel : +82-2-970-6370
    • E-mail : chahn@seoultech.ac.kr
    • profile homepage
  • 22 - 02633
    • Wonbo Shim
    • Tel : +82-2-970-6411
    • E-mail : wbshim@seoultech.ac.kr
    • profile
  • 23 - 02637
    • Seum Kim
    • Major : Soft materials and electronics
    • Tel : +82-2-970-6415
    • E-mail : seumkim@seoultech.ac.kr
    • profile homepage
  • 24 - 02651
    • Junsoo Kim
    • Major : Control theory
    • Tel : +82-2-970-6541
    • E-mail : junsookim@seoultech.ac.kr
    • profile homepage
Department of Electrical and Information Engineering, Seoul National University of Science and Technology
232 Gongneung-ro, Nowon-gu, Seoul, 01811, Korea Tel:+82-2-970-6538 / Fax:+82-2-949-2654
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