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Dohoon Kwon
Power system
◾ Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering (2018.02), Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea
◾ M.S. in Electrical and Computer Engineering (2012.08), Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea
◾ B.S. in Electrical Engineering (2010.02), Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea
◾ Senior Researcher - Advanced Power Grid Research Center, Korea Electrotechnology Research Institute (KERI), Uiwang, Republic of Korea (2018.03 ~ 2020.01)
Research Areas
◾ High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) modeling & control
◾ Power System modeling, control, and operation
◾ Smart Grid
◾ Energy Storage System (ESS)
◾ Power System Analysis and Design
◾ Power Generation Engineering
◾ Renewable Energy
◾ Optimal Data-driven Control Strategy of HVDC-linked Power System
Journal Papers
◾ A Coordinated Control Strategy of MT-HVDC Grids to Reduce Real-Time Frequency Deviations by Considering Malfunction of Converter, IEEE ACCESS, vol.12 pp.12356~12369, 2024권도훈
◾ Real-Time Coordinated Control of a Grid-VSC and ESSs in a DC Distribution System for Total Power Loss Reduction Considering Variable Droop Using Voltage Sensitivities, IEEE ACCESS, vol.11 pp.8293~8300, 2023권도훈
◾ A New Communication-free Grid Frequency and AC Voltage Control of Hybrid LCC-VSC-HVDC Systems for Offshore Wind Farm Integration, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER SYSTEMS, vol.38 No.2 pp.1309~1321, 2022권도훈
◾ Analyses and Comparisons of Generic and User Writing Models of HVDC System Considering Transient DC Current and Voltages, Energies, 2021권도훈
◾ Optimal Secondary Control to Suppress Voltage Fluctuations in an HVDC-linked Wind Farm Grid, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER SYSTEMS, 2021권도훈
◾ DC Current and Voltage Droop Control Method of Hybrid HVDC Systems for an Offshore Wind Farm Connection to Enhance AC Voltage Stability, IEEE Transaction on Energy Conversion, vol.36 No.1 pp.468~479, 2021권도훈
◾ Optimal DC Voltage and Current Control of an LCC HVDC System to Improve Real-Time Frequency Regulation in Rectifier- and Inverter-Side Grids, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER SYSTEMS, vol.35 No.6 pp.4539~4553, 2020권도훈
◾ Method for Determining the Droop Coefficients of Hybrid Multi-Terminal HVDC Systems to Suppress AC Voltage Fluctuations, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER SYSTEMS, vol.35 No.6 pp.4944~4947, 2020권도훈
◾ Optimal Data-Driven Control of an LCC HVDC System for Real-Time Grid Frequency Regulation, IEEE ACCESS, vol.8 pp.58470~58482, 2020권도훈
◾ Modeling and Analysis of an LCC HVDC System Using DC Voltage Control to Improve Transient Response and Short-Term Power Transfer Capability, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER DELIVERY, vol.33 No.4 pp.1922~1933, 2018권도훈
Conference Papers
◾ Haesong Cho, Sung-Wook Yi, Do-Hoon Kwon, Analysis of Power network Stabilities Considering the Uncertainty of Large Renewable Power Generations, The 23rd International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS 2023), Yeosu Venezia Hotel, 2023권도훈
Department of Electrical and Information Engineering, Seoul National University of Science and Technology
232 Gongneung-ro, Nowon-gu, Seoul, 01811, Korea Tel:+82-2-970-6538 / Fax:+82-2-949-2654
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