학과 소개
교수 소개
교수 소개
 학과 소개 교수 소개
미래관 525호
◾ 2018년 서울대학교 공학박사 (전기컴퓨터공학)
◾ 2012년 서울대학교 공학석사 (전기컴퓨터공학)
◾ 2010년 서울대학교 공학사 (전기공학)
주요 경력
◾ 한국전기연구원 차세대전력망센터 선임연구원 (2018.03 ~ 2020.01)
연구 분야
◾ HVDC 모델링 및 제어
◾ 전력계통 모델링, 제어 및 운영
◾ 스마트그리드
◾ 에너지저장장치 (ESS)
담당 교과목
◾ 전력공학
◾ 전력발생공학
◾ 신재생에너지
◾ 데이터기반 전력계통 최적제어
저널 논문
◾ Development of a Series Braking Resistor to Eliminate Control Interference in Multi-Infeed HVDC Systems Considering the AC Three-Phase Fault-An Actual Case Study, ENERGIES, vol.17 No.16, 2024권도훈
◾ The Development of Bi-LSTM Based on Fault Diagnosis Scheme in MVDC System, ENERGIES, vol.17 No.18, 2024권도훈
◾ Optimal control scheme for multi-terminal high-voltage direct current system to improve robust grid frequency regulations, ENERGY REPORTS, vol.12 pp.529~543, 2024권도훈
◾ A Quadratic Formulation of ESS Degradation and Optimal DC Microgrid Operation Strategy Using Quadratic Programming, IEEE ACCESS, vol.12 pp.88534~88546, 2024권도훈
◾ A Coordinated Control Strategy of MT-HVDC Grids to Reduce Real-Time Frequency Deviations by Considering Malfunction of Converter, IEEE ACCESS, vol.12 pp.12356~12369, 2024권도훈
◾ Real-Time Coordinated Control of a Grid-VSC and ESSs in a DC Distribution System for Total Power Loss Reduction Considering Variable Droop Using Voltage Sensitivities, IEEE ACCESS, vol.11 pp.8293~8300, 2023권도훈
◾ A New Communication-free Grid Frequency and AC Voltage Control of Hybrid LCC-VSC-HVDC Systems for Offshore Wind Farm Integration, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER SYSTEMS, vol.38 No.2 pp.1309~1321, 2022권도훈
◾ Analyses and Comparisons of Generic and User Writing Models of HVDC System Considering Transient DC Current and Voltages, Energies, 2021권도훈
◾ Optimal Secondary Control to Suppress Voltage Fluctuations in an HVDC-linked Wind Farm Grid, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER SYSTEMS, 2021권도훈
◾ DC Current and Voltage Droop Control Method of Hybrid HVDC Systems for an Offshore Wind Farm Connection to Enhance AC Voltage Stability, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ENERGY CONVERSION, vol.36 No.1 pp.468~479, 2021권도훈
◾ Optimal DC Voltage and Current Control of an LCC HVDC System to Improve Real-Time Frequency Regulation in Rectifier- and Inverter-Side Grids, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER SYSTEMS, vol.35 No.6 pp.4539~4553, 2020권도훈
◾ Method for Determining the Droop Coefficients of Hybrid Multi-Terminal HVDC Systems to Suppress AC Voltage Fluctuations, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER SYSTEMS, vol.35 No.6 pp.4944~4947, 2020권도훈
◾ Optimal Data-Driven Control of an LCC HVDC System for Real-Time Grid Frequency Regulation, IEEE ACCESS, vol.8 pp.58470~58482, 2020권도훈
◾ Modeling and Analysis of an LCC HVDC System Using DC Voltage Control to Improve Transient Response and Short-Term Power Transfer Capability, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER DELIVERY, vol.33 No.4 pp.1922~1933, 2018권도훈
◾ Haesong Cho, Sung-Wook Yi, Do-Hoon Kwon, Analysis of Power network Stabilities Considering the Uncertainty of Large Renewable Power Generations, The 23rd International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS 2023), Yeosu Venezia Hotel, 2023권도훈

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